Apply To Have Your Automatic Listings™

System Setup DONE FOR YOU - Completely Free... Usually $3,000

Plus We'll Even Pay For 50% Of Your Ad Spend *for automatic listings members only*

Only 2 applicants will be selected & doors are closing very soon...

Apply To Have Your Automatic Listings™ System Setup DONE FOR YOU - Completely Free... Usually $3,000

Plus We'll Even Pay For 50% Of Your Ad Spend *for automatic listings members only*

Only 2 applicants will be selected & doors are closing very soon...

Submit Your Application Below


Our Program Is For:

✅ Agents already doing OVER $10K/m in GCI

✅ Agents who are stuck on the revenue rollercoaster

✅ Agents relying too heavily on referrals

✅ Agents who feel like they don't truly have control over their income

✅ Agents who are hungry, growth oriented & willing to do the work most won't

✅ Agents who seek reliable & experienced marketing professionals

Our Program Is Not For:

🚫 Agents who aren't already listing & selling consistently

🚫 Agents who have been in their market for less than 12 months

🚫 Agents chasing quick cash & don't understand long term growth

🚫 Agents who aren't willing to work extremely hard

🚫 Agents who aren't coachable / open minded

🚫 Agents who want a BMW, AMG or Range Rover before they can afford it

Who we are...

The Reliable Leads Growth Partnership Program

The Reliable Leads Growth Partnership Program IS NOT a service. It's a partnership. We aim to become an extension of your real estate business & truly be your long term marketing partners.

Our primary objective while working together is scaling listing acquisition (because that's where the $$$ is). However we also help with personal branding, buyer acquisition, database reactivation, appointment setting, local SEO, content strategy & so much more!

Reliable Leads has now worked with over 200+ Real Estate Professionals!

Here's what a few of our clients AND marketing mentees have to say...

Frequently Asked Questions

I've tried social media ads & haven't seen much success. What's going to be different?

We've been running ads for real estate pros since 2018 all over Australia, New Zealand & even the USA & Canada. We’ve run ads with buyers agents, listing agents, and in the lowest and highest end markets. It’s safe to say after being awarded Facebook Marketing Partners (by Facebook), that we’ve learned a thing or two to make real estate agents a lot of money. On top of that we are the leading real estate marketing experts that over 200+ marketers have come to in order to learn how to get results for real estate professionals.

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Do you offer a guarantee?

We do. If you show up, follow our process, and ask questions when they arise, we’re going to make sure you get a massive return on your investment.

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How is Reliable Leads Different?

Too be blunt... 90% of the real estate marketing "agencies" you have seen in your feed are nothing more than a 17 - 22 yr old's side hustle to make money online. They've taken 1 course on "how to start a marketing agency" and then start selling you the dream without any expertise or experience.

Reliable Leads is founded by 2 brothers, Liam & Ryan Casey. Both who have graduated from the University of Queensland with a bachelor in Business Management majoring in Advertising & International Business.

Our company has served over 200+ real estate agents, team leaders & agency owners. We've even worked with a variety of property developers & investors AND we've been in business for just under 6 years at the time of writing this. (10th of July 2023)

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How much does this cost?

Our services range from $500 per month all the way up to $5000 per month. An agent wanting to hit an extra 10 listings per month needs a very different service & strategy than the agent that "just wants to get their name out there more". We cater to individual agents, team & entire agencies. To receive an accurate estimate on what a marketing budget should look like based on your goals, schedule a demo call & we'll walk you through the process.

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How do I know this will work for me &/or my area?

One way to find out for certain is to schedule a consultation with us. Again, we’ve helped real estate agents of all shapes and sizes. Brand new agents, high end, low end, and more. But, we want to speak with you and truly understand if we can bring you a massive amount of value. This ensures that everyone gets the best experience possible. The only agents we can't help are agents who don't have a consistent track record of recent sales, average less that $8K per commission & have anything over a 60/40 split with their office.

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I'm not active on social media, does this matter?

This doesn’t make a difference whatsoever. The reason Facebook has grown the way it has is because of one core element, ease. Facebook presence doesn't matter when acquiring clients using their platform, and if you don’t have an account or page it’s a simple five minute set up.

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I'm already using a CRM does that matter?

Our CRM platform is a pivotal piece to success with our workshop. However, we integrate with most mainstream CRM using Zapier, if needed.

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Is this only for real estate agents?

Yes, yes, and yes. We prefer to only help those who we get the best results for. If you’re a residential agent helping clients buy or sell, we’re your people. If not, no problem, but we’re not the right fit for you.

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©2023 Reliable Leads Pty Ltd

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This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.